
Bijou (2006/03/19)



’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 18 33 13 19 56 139 27
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 2 2 8 15 5 32 6
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 7 0 11 4 28 50 10
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 17 17 8 4 11 57 11
‡Œv 44 52 40 42 100 278
•½‹Ο 11 13 10 10 25 13




V1, V2, V4, V5, B5, L1, L2


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 15.50 8.45 21.46 14.68 4.98 65.08 13.02
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 139.50 139.50 34.88 18.60 55.80 388.28 77.66
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 39.86 279.00 25.36 69.75 9.96 423.94 84.79
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 16.41 16.41 34.88 69.75 25.36 162.81 32.56
‡Œv 211.27 443.37 116.58 172.78 96.11 1040.10
•½‹Ο 52.82 110.84 29.14 43.20 24.03 52.01


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 0.82 0.25 1.53 0.73 0.09 3.42 0.68
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 46.50 46.50 3.88 1.16 9.30 107.34 21.47
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 4.98 279.00 2.11 13.95 0.34 300.39 60.08
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 0.91 0.91 3.88 13.95 2.11 21.76 4.35
‡Œv 53.21 326.66 11.40 29.80 11.84 432.91
•½‹Ο 13.30 81.67 2.85 7.45 2.96 21.65


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 14.68 8.21 19.93 13.95 4.89 61.66 12.33
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 93.00 93.00 31.00 17.44 46.50 280.94 56.19
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 34.88 279.00 23.25 55.80 9.62 402.55 80.51
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 15.50 15.50 31.00 55.80 23.25 141.05 28.21
‡Œv 158.06 395.71 105.18 142.99 84.27 886.20
•½‹Ο 39.51 98.93 26.29 35.75 21.07 44.31




’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 3.00 1.68 4.07 2.85 1.00 12.60 2.52
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 19.00 19.00 6.33 3.56 9.50 57.40 11.48
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 7.13 57.00 4.75 11.40 1.97 82.24 16.45
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 3.17 3.17 6.33 11.40 4.75 28.82 5.76
‡Œv 32.29 80.84 21.49 29.21 17.22 181.05
•½‹Ο 8.07 20.21 5.37 7.30 4.30 9.05

RoWiki Ranking

’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 5 2 3 6 3 19 3
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 7 9 14 6 12 48 9
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 21 52 15 24 9 121 24
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 7 6 10 14 7 44 8
‡Œv 40 69 42 50 31 232
•½‹Ο 10 17 10 12 7 11



‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ Union 2:00:00 ¦B2
2ˆΚ Glanz-kugel 1:33:45
3ˆΚ Eloth 1:11:04 ¦B3
4ˆΚ ‚Ξ‚Α‚­‚ι 1:00:22
5ˆΚ ”j“V‘g 0:57:22
6ˆΚ ‘“ 0:56:30 ¦L2
7ˆΚ Variable Saber 0:54:48 ¦B4
8ˆΚ ‚½‚Ȃׁ[ƒRƒ“ 0:49:13
9ˆΚ ƒlƒI@ƒWƒIƒ“ŒR 0:45:49 ¦L4
10ˆΚ Morning Cafe 0:43:40 ¦B1
11ˆΚ χ•‘–ι‘z‹Θ 0:40:15 ¦V2, ¦V4
12ˆΚ Stand By Me 0:39:05
13ˆΚ R(₯Ν₯)/Žl–Κ‘^‰Μτ 0:36:31
14ˆΚ .‰hŒΝ·Š. 0:36:23
15ˆΚ ‚²‚­‚€]‚ͺΟΩΆΌήΨ# 0:35:57
16ˆΚ Harmonie 0:35:06 ¦L1
17ˆΚ Eagle Eyes 0:34:48 ¦L3
18ˆΚ SoulEater 0:34:15 ¦C3
19ˆΚ ŒŽ˜T 0:29:33 ¦V1
20ˆΚ Forest 0:29:06 ¦C5
21ˆΚ GARNET 0:27:23
22ˆΚ Ž„—§š‰©¨Šw‰€š 0:26:06 ¦C4
23ˆΚ Evil_Spirit 0:25:15
24ˆΚ ―Υ -Next Style- 0:24:24
25ˆΚ -ZIN- 0:20:33
26ˆΚ ‡ƒZƒXƒgƒZƒ“ƒeƒB[ƒh‡ 0:18:50
27ˆΚ ‚Ω‚―‚― 0:17:07
28ˆΚ •—‚ΜŽ~‚ά‚θ–Ψ’ΰ 0:16:16
29ˆΚ Succession 0:15:07
30ˆΚ “VŽΧ‹SB 0:14:08
31ˆΚ NullPointerExceptions 0:13:42
32ˆΚ Tears of Moonlight 0:12:25 ¦C2
33ˆΚ Victorious Script 0:11:08
34ˆΚ Eternal Wind 0:11:07
35ˆΚ Lyrical Dreamers 0:09:51
36ˆΚ ‹σ‚π•‘‚€—ƒ 0:09:50
37ˆΚ ‹σ‘z—·’c 0:09:25
38ˆΚ ƒΐ-MAX 0:09:00 ¦L5
39ˆΚ Locura del Azul 0:08:34 ¦V3
40ˆΚ Subliminal Tear 0:08:33
41ˆΚ |•——ι| 0:07:42
red@earth 0:07:42
43ˆΚ Astral Side 0:07:25
44ˆΚ ALICE υ BRAIN 0:07:17
45ˆΚ ƒXƒ}ƒCƒ‹€‰ο 0:06:51
46ˆΚ ‚Ϋ‚λ‚θ‚«‚Α‚·B 0:06:33
47ˆΚ Vanilla Soft Cream 0:06:25
Mask of Jester 0:06:25
Eternity Shooting Stars 0:06:25 ¦B5
–²Œ©‚ι—΄‚Μ™τšK 0:06:25
51ˆΚ Creator 0:05:34
‘Ί³]‚Εˆ«E‘¦EŽa# 0:05:34
53ˆΚ SEPIA 0:05:33
ƒ}ƒ‹ƒNƒg‹³’c 0:05:33
55ˆΚ Scutum 0:05:09
56ˆΚ ˜H–T—·’c 0:05:08
_ΰ -Ragnarok- 0:05:08
58ˆΚ E D E N 0:04:42
59ˆΚ ŒN‚Ζ–l‚Νƒmƒ‰ 0:04:25
60ˆΚ ­‚΅d‚Θ‚ι–’—ˆ 0:04:16
61ˆΚ •——ˆ–V 0:03:51
62ˆΚ Cocktail 0:03:26
63ˆΚ υ The Last Fate υ 0:03:25
Period 0:03:25
Avenir 0:03:25
66ˆΚ Ža‘•‘© 0:03:08 ¦V5
67ˆΚ ƒGƒ“ƒWƒFƒ‹ƒLƒbƒX 0:03:00
A Su Ra 0:03:00
–‹––˜Q–Ÿχ‘g 0:03:00
Hyper-Rush 0:03:00
Œ‚™“ͺ‘•”υ‹δŠy•”II 0:03:00
72ˆΚ simple 0:02:34
radical kids 0:02:34
74ˆΚ -ŒŽ—z‰Š- 0:02:17
75ˆΚ ‚’‚ρ‚Σ‚‘‚Ι‚Δ‚‘ 0:02:09
Genesis of Altemis 0:02:09 ¦C1
77ˆΚ Dreaming of screaming 0:02:08
Alabaster Dragon 0:02:08
υRespective@S‚‹‚™υ 0:02:08
80ˆΚ ‚ ‚Α‚½‚©‚‘Œδ–‘‘X` 0:01:43
Space of healing 0:01:43
Still_waters_run_deep 0:01:43
Bracing Forest Wind 0:01:43
‹ž—•‘`•‘@•P` 0:01:43
85ˆΚ Sleeping Sheep 0:01:42
86ˆΚ Tricolore 0:01:25
87ˆΚ ‚έ‚ρ‚Θ‚ΜƒMƒ‹ƒh 0:01:17
‚Ϋ‚Ώ‚·PARADISE 0:01:17
Angelic@Sanctuary 0:01:17
90ˆΚ ™“VŽg‚ΜŽqŽη‰Sš 0:00:51


‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ Union 2:00:00 ¦B2
2ˆΚ Eloth 1:53:35 ¦B3
3ˆΚ Glanz-kugel 1:36:27
4ˆΚ ‚²‚­‚€]‚ͺΟΩΆΌήΨ# 1:30:18
5ˆΚ χ•‘–ι‘z‹Θ 1:20:56 ¦V2, ¦V4
6ˆΚ ”j“V‘g 1:19:12
7ˆΚ ‚½‚Ȃׁ[ƒRƒ“ 1:16:11
8ˆΚ ‘“ 1:13:46 ¦L2
9ˆΚ .‰hŒΝ·Š. 1:13:37
10ˆΚ ‚Ξ‚Α‚­‚ι 1:08:30
11ˆΚ Variable Saber 1:06:30 ¦B4
12ˆΚ Harmonie 1:02:04 ¦L1
13ˆΚ Morning Cafe 0:57:47 ¦B1
14ˆΚ Eagle Eyes 0:57:30 ¦L3
15ˆΚ Forest 0:54:22 ¦C5
16ˆΚ GARNET 0:51:29
17ˆΚ Stand By Me 0:50:40
18ˆΚ ŒŽ˜T 0:48:49 ¦V1
19ˆΚ ƒlƒI@ƒWƒIƒ“ŒR 0:48:23 ¦L4
20ˆΚ ‚Ω‚―‚― 0:45:05
21ˆΚ Evil_Spirit 0:43:39
22ˆΚ ‡ƒZƒXƒgƒZƒ“ƒeƒB[ƒh‡ 0:41:05
23ˆΚ Ž„—§š‰©¨Šw‰€š 0:40:40 ¦C4
24ˆΚ R(₯Ν₯)/Žl–Κ‘^‰Μτ 0:39:31
25ˆΚ ‹σ‚π•‘‚€—ƒ 0:38:33
26ˆΚ ―Υ -Next Style- 0:35:05
27ˆΚ SoulEater 0:34:15 ¦C3
Eternal Wind 0:34:15
29ˆΚ NullPointerExceptions 0:32:41
30ˆΚ Succession 0:32:13
31ˆΚ -ZIN- 0:28:40
32ˆΚ simple 0:27:59
33ˆΚ Locura del Azul 0:26:34 ¦V3
34ˆΚ “VŽΧ‹SB 0:26:33
35ˆΚ Creator 0:24:51
36ˆΚ |•——ι| 0:20:07
37ˆΚ SEPIA 0:19:16
38ˆΚ ALICE υ BRAIN 0:19:15
39ˆΚ •——ˆ–V 0:18:52
40ˆΚ Eternity Shooting Stars 0:18:25 ¦B5
41ˆΚ Victorious Script 0:17:33
42ˆΚ ƒ}ƒ‹ƒNƒg‹³’c 0:17:32
43ˆΚ Lyrical Dreamers 0:17:16
44ˆΚ •—‚ΜŽ~‚ά‚θ–Ψ’ΰ 0:16:16
45ˆΚ ‹σ‘z—·’c 0:15:50
46ˆΚ Vanilla Soft Cream 0:14:33
47ˆΚ Subliminal Tear 0:14:07
48ˆΚ ‘Ί³]‚Εˆ«E‘¦EŽa# 0:13:17
49ˆΚ radical kids 0:13:16
50ˆΚ Period 0:13:15
51ˆΚ Tears of Moonlight 0:12:25 ¦C2
52ˆΚ –²Œ©‚ι—΄‚Μ™τšK 0:12:00
53ˆΚ ˜H–T—·’c 0:11:58
54ˆΚ Hyper-Rush 0:11:34
55ˆΚ _ΰ -Ragnarok- 0:10:42
56ˆΚ E D E N 0:10:41
57ˆΚ υ The Last Fate υ 0:10:16
58ˆΚ Avenir 0:09:26
59ˆΚ ƒXƒ}ƒCƒ‹€‰ο 0:09:25
Scutum 0:09:25
61ˆΚ ƒΐ-MAX 0:09:00 ¦L5
62ˆΚ red@earth 0:07:42
63ˆΚ Astral Side 0:07:25
64ˆΚ ‚’‚ρ‚Σ‚‘‚Ι‚Δ‚‘ 0:07:16
65ˆΚ ‚Ϋ‚λ‚θ‚«‚Α‚·B 0:06:33
66ˆΚ Cocktail 0:06:26
67ˆΚ Mask of Jester 0:06:25
68ˆΚ Alabaster Dragon 0:06:00
69ˆΚ Ža‘•‘© 0:05:43 ¦V5
70ˆΚ -ŒŽ—z‰Š- 0:05:18
71ˆΚ A Su Ra 0:04:42
72ˆΚ ŒN‚Ζ–l‚Νƒmƒ‰ 0:04:25
73ˆΚ ‹ž—•‘`•‘@•P` 0:04:17
74ˆΚ ­‚΅d‚Θ‚ι–’—ˆ 0:04:16
Dreaming of screaming 0:04:16
76ˆΚ ƒGƒ“ƒWƒFƒ‹ƒLƒbƒX 0:03:00
Still_waters_run_deep 0:03:00
Bracing Forest Wind 0:03:00
–‹––˜Q–Ÿχ‘g 0:03:00
Œ‚™“ͺ‘•”υ‹δŠy•”II 0:03:00
81ˆΚ Sleeping Sheep 0:02:59
82ˆΚ Genesis of Altemis 0:02:09 ¦C1
83ˆΚ υRespective@S‚‹‚™υ 0:02:08
84ˆΚ ‚ ‚Α‚½‚©‚‘Œδ–‘‘X` 0:01:43
Space of healing 0:01:43
86ˆΚ Tricolore 0:01:25
87ˆΚ Angelic@Sanctuary 0:01:17
‚έ‚ρ‚Θ‚ΜƒMƒ‹ƒh 0:01:17
‚Ϋ‚Ώ‚·PARADISE 0:01:17
90ˆΚ ™“VŽg‚ΜŽqŽη‰Sš 0:00:51


‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ Union 2:00:00 ¦B2
2ˆΚ Glanz-kugel 0:48:13
3ˆΚ ‚½‚Ȃׁ[ƒRƒ“ 0:38:05
4ˆΚ Eloth 0:37:51 ¦B3
5ˆΚ SoulEater 0:34:15 ¦C3
‚Ξ‚Α‚­‚ι 0:34:15
7ˆΚ Variable Saber 0:33:15 ¦B4
8ˆΚ Morning Cafe 0:28:53 ¦B1
9ˆΚ Eagle Eyes 0:28:45 ¦L3
10ˆΚ Forest 0:27:11 ¦C5
11ˆΚ ”j“V‘g 0:26:24
12ˆΚ GARNET 0:25:44
13ˆΚ ŒŽ˜T 0:24:24 ¦V1
14ˆΚ ƒlƒI@ƒWƒIƒ“ŒR 0:24:11 ¦L4
15ˆΚ Harmonie 0:20:41 ¦L1
16ˆΚ R(₯Ν₯)/Žl–Κ‘^‰Μτ 0:19:45
17ˆΚ •—‚ΜŽ~‚ά‚θ–Ψ’ΰ 0:16:16
18ˆΚ χ•‘–ι‘z‹Θ 0:16:11 ¦V2, ¦V4
19ˆΚ ‘“ 0:14:45 ¦L2
20ˆΚ .‰hŒΝ·Š. 0:14:43
21ˆΚ Stand By Me 0:12:40
22ˆΚ Tears of Moonlight 0:12:25 ¦C2
23ˆΚ ‚Ω‚―‚― 0:11:16
24ˆΚ Ž„—§š‰©¨Šw‰€š 0:10:10 ¦C4
25ˆΚ ‚²‚­‚€]‚ͺΟΩΆΌήΨ# 0:09:01
26ˆΚ ƒΐ-MAX 0:09:00 ¦L5
27ˆΚ ―Υ -Next Style- 0:08:46
Victorious Script 0:08:46
29ˆΚ Evil_Spirit 0:08:43
30ˆΚ ‡ƒZƒXƒgƒZƒ“ƒeƒB[ƒh‡ 0:08:13
31ˆΚ Succession 0:08:03
32ˆΚ red@earth 0:07:42
33ˆΚ Astral Side 0:07:25
34ˆΚ -ZIN- 0:07:10
35ˆΚ “VŽΧ‹SB 0:06:38
36ˆΚ ‚Ϋ‚λ‚θ‚«‚Α‚·B 0:06:33
37ˆΚ NullPointerExceptions 0:06:32
38ˆΚ Mask of Jester 0:06:25
ALICE υ BRAIN 0:06:25
40ˆΚ Lyrical Dreamers 0:05:45
41ˆΚ Eternal Wind 0:05:42
42ˆΚ ‹σ‘z—·’c 0:05:16
43ˆΚ |•——ι| 0:05:01
44ˆΚ Vanilla Soft Cream 0:04:51
45ˆΚ Scutum 0:04:42
ƒXƒ}ƒCƒ‹€‰ο 0:04:42
47ˆΚ ‘Ί³]‚Εˆ«E‘¦EŽa# 0:04:25
Locura del Azul 0:04:25 ¦V3
ŒN‚Ζ–l‚Νƒmƒ‰ 0:04:25
50ˆΚ ­‚΅d‚Θ‚ι–’—ˆ 0:04:16
51ˆΚ _ΰ -Ragnarok- 0:03:34
52ˆΚ E D E N 0:03:33
53ˆΚ Subliminal Tear 0:03:31
54ˆΚ ƒ}ƒ‹ƒNƒg‹³’c 0:03:30
55ˆΚ Creator 0:03:06
56ˆΚ Eternity Shooting Stars 0:03:04 ¦B5
57ˆΚ –²Œ©‚ι—΄‚Μ™τšK 0:03:00
ƒGƒ“ƒWƒFƒ‹ƒLƒbƒX 0:03:00
Œ‚™“ͺ‘•”υ‹δŠy•”II 0:03:00
–‹––˜Q–Ÿχ‘g 0:03:00
61ˆΚ ˜H–T—·’c 0:02:59
62ˆΚ Ža‘•‘© 0:02:51 ¦V5
63ˆΚ SEPIA 0:02:45
64ˆΚ •——ˆ–V 0:02:41
65ˆΚ Period 0:02:39
66ˆΚ υ The Last Fate υ 0:02:34
‹σ‚π•‘‚€—ƒ 0:02:34
68ˆΚ A Su Ra 0:02:21
69ˆΚ Hyper-Rush 0:02:18
70ˆΚ Genesis of Altemis 0:02:09 ¦C1
71ˆΚ Cocktail 0:02:08
υRespective@S‚‹‚™υ 0:02:08
73ˆΚ Avenir 0:01:53
74ˆΚ ‚’‚ρ‚Σ‚‘‚Ι‚Δ‚‘ 0:01:49
75ˆΚ -ŒŽ—z‰Š- 0:01:46
76ˆΚ simple 0:01:44
77ˆΚ Space of healing 0:01:43
‚ ‚Α‚½‚©‚‘Œδ–‘‘X` 0:01:43
79ˆΚ radical kids 0:01:39
80ˆΚ Alabaster Dragon 0:01:30
Bracing Forest Wind 0:01:30
Still_waters_run_deep 0:01:30
83ˆΚ Sleeping Sheep 0:01:29
84ˆΚ ‹ž—•‘`•‘@•P` 0:01:25
Tricolore 0:01:25
Dreaming of screaming 0:01:25
87ˆΚ ‚Ϋ‚Ώ‚·PARADISE 0:01:17
‚έ‚ρ‚Θ‚ΜƒMƒ‹ƒh 0:01:17
Angelic@Sanctuary 0:01:17
90ˆΚ ™“VŽg‚ΜŽqŽη‰Sš 0:00:51
