Lydia (2007/10/21)




’nˆæ_”Ô† 1 2 3 4 5
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 4.29 4.29 30.00 2.22 2.50
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒÎ 2.22 1.62 3.00 1.33 1.58
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 4.29 2.07 60.00 1.43 1.00
‰q¯“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 2.73 6.00 4.62 3.33 2.31


‡ˆÊ ”j‰ó“_ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–¼
1ˆÊ 116.8“_ ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
2ˆÊ 82.7“_ õ Fairies' Moon õ
3ˆÊ 48.2“_ ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
4ˆÊ 47.2“_ ™Â‚¢ƒŠƒ{ƒ“™
5ˆÊ 46.0“_ Carte Blanche
6ˆÊ 38.4“_ Elvish Magnetism
7ˆÊ 37.1“_ ‚±‚Á‚±‚­‚ç‚Ô
8ˆÊ 34.1“_ á~‚éŠX‚Ì–é‘z‹È
9ˆÊ 34.0“_ –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
10ˆÊ 32.1“_ The Crest of Platinum
11ˆÊ 31.3“_ ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
30.0“_ –²–a‚®–é‰Ì
14ˆÊ 28.9“_ ‚Þ‚«‚ã‚Ï‚ç–{•Üô
15ˆÊ 22.5“_ S‚ngreal
16ˆÊ 21.4“_ ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
17ˆÊ 20.8“_ The deep pool of death
18ˆÊ 15.2“_ Wild glass
19ˆÊ 15.1“_ ‹ã”ö‚̘T
15.1“_ Traumerei
21ˆÊ 14.8“_ Sunny Side Up!
22ˆÊ 13.8“_ `–³ ŒÀ`
23ˆÊ 13.5“_ Pumpkin Head
24ˆÊ 13.3“_ ‚r‚‚•‚Œ@Cat's
25ˆÊ 11.7“_ Divertimento
26ˆÊ 10.6“_ ™ ‚½‚Ê‚½‚ñ ™
27ˆÊ 10.5“_ –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
28ˆÊ 10.4“_ Symbol of Destruction
29ˆÊ 10.3“_ [>PerfectStorm
10.3“_ Festina Lente
10.3“_ ƒµ žú@‰Œ ƒµ
10.3“_ D.E.S.T.R.O.Y.Ast}{ynA
33ˆÊ 8.9“_ Dice with Death !!
34ˆÊ 8.6“_ ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
35ˆÊ 8.2“_ –²Œ¶‚̉r
36ˆÊ 7.9“_ –²‚Ì•bj
7.9“_ ‚Ü‚ß•‚¿‚¥‚Ø‚¢‹‚È‚¢—p
38ˆÊ 7.6“_ úV–£ŸåKåN‚ÌŠÚŸ—¹úV
39ˆÊ 7.3“_ Force of will
7.3“_ Midnight Cats
41ˆÊ 6.5“_ ^‰Ä‚Ìá
42ˆÊ 6.4“_ Revolver
43ˆÊ 5.9“_ Wind of Future
44ˆÊ 5.6“_ g˜@‚̉‹
45ˆÊ 5.0“_ Eyes of the Dream
46ˆÊ 4.7“_ ‚ ‚®‚è‚Ì—¢`—ÇSŽs`
47ˆÊ 4.6“_ Brilliant World
4.6“_ ™sugar kiss™
49ˆÊ 4.4“_ The Way of Success
4.4“_ Tricolore Figures
4.4“_ Checkmate
52ˆÊ 4.3“_ SPADE
4.3“_ Director's Cut
4.3“_ `‘n‘¢‚¹‚µ_X‚̹ˆæ`
55ˆÊ 4.2“_ ‚ЂÜe‰q‘àš
56ˆÊ 4.1“_ `Cotton ket`
57ˆÊ 3.0“_ RayForce
58ˆÊ 2.7“_ Supreme
2.7“_ Abiesfirma
60ˆÊ 2.5“_ ƒlƒR‚Ì—JŸT
61ˆÊ 2.3“_ leitmotiv
2.3“_ Cor Leonis
63ˆÊ 2.2“_ _‘¬“ŠÎ¸‰s•”‘à
2.2“_ ‚­‚ë‚Ë‚±‚³‚ñ‚¿‚¡‚Þš
2.2“_ Demon Slayers
2.2“_ ä•‚Ì‹CŽ‚¿
67ˆÊ 1.6“_ Glorious Lover
1.6“_ Speedy Wind
1.6“_ ƒAƒ}ƒc‚Ì”’‚¤‚³‚¬ô
70ˆÊ 1.4“_ NovaEra

