
Freya (2005/03/27)



’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 6 19 1 3 19 48 9
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 2 1 1 31 0 35 7
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 3 0 0 2 35 40 8
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 9 0 16 0 3 28 5
‡Œv 20 20 18 36 57 151
•½‹Ο 5 5 4 9 14 7


C5, B2, B3, L2, L4


V2, V5, C4, B5, L3


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 25.33 8.00 152.00 50.67 8.00 244.00 48.80
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 76.00 152.00 152.00 4.90 152.00 536.90 107.38
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 50.67 152.00 152.00 76.00 4.34 435.01 87.00
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 16.89 152.00 9.50 152.00 50.67 381.06 76.21
‡Œv 168.89 464.00 465.50 283.57 215.01 1596.97
•½‹Ο 42.22 116.00 116.38 70.89 53.75 79.85


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 3.62 0.40 76.00 12.67 0.40 93.09 18.62
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 25.33 76.00 76.00 0.15 152.00 329.49 65.90
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 12.67 152.00 152.00 25.33 0.12 342.12 68.42
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 1.69 152.00 0.56 152.00 12.67 318.91 63.78
‡Œv 43.31 380.40 304.56 190.15 165.19 1083.61
•½‹Ο 10.83 95.10 76.14 47.54 41.30 54.18


’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 21.71 7.60 76.00 38.00 7.60 150.91 30.18
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 50.67 76.00 76.00 4.75 152.00 359.42 71.88
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 38.00 152.00 152.00 50.67 4.22 396.89 79.38
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 15.20 152.00 8.94 152.00 38.00 366.14 73.23
‡Œv 125.58 387.60 312.94 245.42 201.82 1273.36
•½‹Ο 31.40 96.90 78.24 61.35 50.46 63.67




’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 5.14 1.80 18.00 9.00 1.80 35.74 7.15
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 12.00 18.00 18.00 1.13 36.00 85.13 17.02
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 9.00 36.00 36.00 12.00 1.00 94.00 18.80
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 3.60 36.00 2.12 36.00 9.00 86.72 17.34
‡Œv 29.74 91.80 74.12 58.13 47.80 301.59
•½‹Ο 7.44 22.95 18.53 14.53 11.95 15.08

RoWiki Ranking

’nˆζ_”ԍ† 1 2 3 4 5 ‡Œv •½‹Ο
ƒ”ƒ@ƒ‹ƒLƒŠ[ƒŒƒ‹ƒ€ 12 3 6 7 3 31 6
ƒ`ƒ…ƒ“ƒŠƒ€ŒΞ 33 20 7 7 42 109 21
ƒuƒŠƒgƒjƒA 36 52 52 10 9 159 31
‰q―“sŽsƒ‹ƒC[ƒi 11 35 16 35 6 103 20
‡Œv 92 110 81 59 60 402
•½‹Ο 23 27 20 14 15 20



‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ ‘“‚«ŒΆ‘œ 2:00:00 ¦B2
S W A T 2:00:00 ¦C5
Little Family 2:00:00 ¦L4
ETERNAL-WINGS 2:00:00 ¦B3
6ˆΚ υHALLOWEENυ 1:55:35 ¦C1
7ˆΚ whiLe[ϊ@] 1:55:11
8ˆΚ Valhalla 1:50:54
9ˆΚ SlantingυCross 1:47:26
10ˆΚ —d‰ƒGƒƒŠƒXƒgW’c™œc 1:32:45 ¦B1
11ˆΚ Pandaemoniumτ 1:31:23 ¦V1
12ˆΚ “ϊ–{”Ό—‡‹Ά‰ο 1:26:15
13ˆΚ Larmes d'ange 1:01:21 ¦C4
14ˆΚ Ring Hunters 0:58:39 ¦C2
15ˆΚ ƒGƒCƒ“ƒwƒŠƒAƒ‹‡U 0:54:58 ¦L3
16ˆΚ ƒJƒGƒ‹‚Μ‰€—l 0:45:56 ¦V4
17ˆΚ Žί ‰ή —Ν 0:36:13
18ˆΚ ϊVLemon_a_L'a-modeϊV 0:35:55
19ˆΚ ‚Υ‚Α‚Δ‚‘‚ρ‚Ϋ‚θ‚ρ 0:33:45 ¦V3
20ˆΚ tϊƒ 0:28:20
21ˆΚ ˜_Slave Nocturne_˜ 0:26:56 ¦L1
22ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ 0:26:01
23ˆΚ Cross-Fantasy 0:19:55
24ˆΚ Star-of-Heart 0:19:42
25ˆΚ investigation play 0:17:46
26ˆΚ Wind of Wish`Šσ–]‚Μ•— 0:14:43
27ˆΚ ‘ε]ŒΛ“‘―’c 0:14:17
28ˆΚ Shooting Stars 0:11:58
29ˆΚ The Sword's Fragment 0:10:48
30ˆΚ Solaris 0:10:02 ¦B4
31ˆΚ –Ύ“ϊΣ—Η²ΊΔΆή±ΨΟ½Φ³Ζ 0:09:58
32ˆΚ ŠAngel@Slap‰ 0:09:49
33ˆΚ Crystal of Elements 0:09:46
34ˆΚ ƒJƒiƒgƒEƒX‚Ι‚Θ‚ι•ϋ–@ 0:08:32
35ˆΚ Never 0:07:58 ¦V2
36ˆΚ A Cheery Angel's 0:06:45
37ˆΚ `everywhere` 0:06:34
38ˆΚ spirit@of@fire 0:05:58
39ˆΚ Œή‘γ–Ϊ•…—μ–ι˜A‡ 0:05:51
40ˆΚ “Z‘g 0:05:43 ¦B5
41ˆΚ inspiration 0:05:26
42ˆΚ θΊ 0:04:58
43ˆΚ Γ–ι•—α 0:04:57
44ˆΚ Shift@The@Future 0:04:49 ¦V5
wiLd cArd 0:04:49 ¦C3
46ˆΚ - •—‚ΜŽ - 0:04:46
47ˆΚ RiLiHjMjΙ 0:04:17
48ˆΚ ΰ‚Μ‚Θ‚ι‹³‰ο 0:04:07
49ˆΚ ]Manatee Lyric] 0:04:06
50ˆΚ ˜Lien Ange˜ 0:03:57
51ˆΚ ‚’‚Β‚©’H‚θ’…‚’‚Δ 0:03:51
52ˆΚ y-_•—-z 0:03:46
53ˆΚ α‰Μχ•‘ 0:03:45
54ˆΚ ™―~‚θ‚Μ‹u™ 0:03:42
55ˆΚ ƒ|ƒŠƒ“‰·ς‘g‡ 0:03:41
56ˆΚ •——Ρ‰ΞŽR 0:03:39
57ˆΚ Too Much Pain 0:03:37
58ˆΚ Light A‚Žd Shadow 0:03:32
59ˆΚ I‚ν‚θ‚Θ‚«—·˜H 0:03:29
60ˆΚ ƒeƒBƒ„‰€’鍑 0:03:28
61ˆΚ ‚Ϊ‚Μ‚Ϊ‚Μ 0:03:25
62ˆΚ ‚r‚j‚x‚k‚h‚m‚d 0:03:14
ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠƒΠ 0:03:14
64ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ™ 0:03:09
65ˆΚ ‚€‚Θ‚¬’c 0:03:06
66ˆΚ The Right Stuff 0:02:54
67ˆΚ RedRibbon 0:02:49
68ˆΚ ŒŽ‰ΨgΉ‹RŽm’c 0:02:48
69ˆΚ ‚o‚’‚‰‚‚‚’‚™ 0:02:45
70ˆΚ (KžKjUPEACE—·’c 0:02:44
71ˆΚ windy bery‚ΜΏΫ·ήΩΔށB 0:02:43
72ˆΚ _”ι“I—§‘Μ 0:02:42
73ˆΚ Entschluss 0:02:32
74ˆΚ Indicator to the Next 0:02:31
75ˆΚ ‚Ώ‚¨‚Ρ‚½ƒT[ƒJƒX’c 0:02:30
76ˆΚ @‘M@ 0:02:29 ¦L5
77ˆΚ ‰F’ˆ‘DƒŒƒbƒh₯ƒhƒ[ƒt† 0:02:28
78ˆΚ ‰©¨‚Μ‰€‘ 0:02:21
79ˆΚ ‡“Rondo@of@Seraphs‡“ 0:02:20
80ˆΚ Glint of Moon 0:02:17
81ˆΚ ™with PEACH™ 0:02:13
82ˆΚ Sturm und Drang 0:02:05
83ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚ ‚η‚ΰ[‚Η 0:02:04
84ˆΚ ƒ΅“ψF‚¨‚Ξ‚―—·’cƒ΅ 0:02:02
85ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚΅‚₯‚’‚­ 0:01:54
86ˆΚ ‚Π‚Ύ‚ά‚θ‚Μ–― 0:01:52
87ˆΚ –²‚Μ’†‚ōL‚ͺ‚鐒ŠE 0:01:51
88ˆΚ Legend of Nibelungen 0:01:50
89ˆΚ “Vκn—…“e 0:01:48
90ˆΚ ‚έ‚η‚­‚ι‚Ο‚ν` 0:01:40
91ˆΚ —‚̐K’Η‚Α‚©‚―‘ΰ 0:01:34
92ˆΚ HERMES 0:01:33
93ˆΚ The Winged Horse 0:01:25


‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ S W A T 2:00:00 ¦C5
‘“‚«ŒΆ‘œ 2:00:00 ¦B2
Little Family 2:00:00 ¦L4
ETERNAL-WINGS 2:00:00 ¦B3
6ˆΚ υHALLOWEENυ 1:55:35 ¦C1
7ˆΚ whiLe[ϊ@] 1:55:11
8ˆΚ Valhalla 1:50:54
9ˆΚ SlantingυCross 1:50:21
10ˆΚ —d‰ƒGƒƒŠƒXƒgW’c™œc 1:32:45 ¦B1
11ˆΚ Pandaemoniumτ 1:31:23 ¦V1
12ˆΚ “ϊ–{”Ό—‡‹Ά‰ο 1:26:15
13ˆΚ ƒJƒGƒ‹‚Μ‰€—l 1:17:02 ¦V4
14ˆΚ Žί ‰ή —Ν 1:14:46
15ˆΚ Larmes d'ange 1:03:41 ¦C4
16ˆΚ Ring Hunters 0:58:39 ¦C2
17ˆΚ ƒGƒCƒ“ƒwƒŠƒAƒ‹‡U 0:58:18 ¦L3
18ˆΚ tϊƒ 0:57:39
19ˆΚ Cross-Fantasy 0:50:03
20ˆΚ Star-of-Heart 0:39:32
21ˆΚ ϊVLemon_a_L'a-modeϊV 0:35:55
22ˆΚ ‚Υ‚Α‚Δ‚‘‚ρ‚Ϋ‚θ‚ρ 0:33:45 ¦V3
23ˆΚ Shooting Stars 0:28:24
24ˆΚ ˜_Slave Nocturne_˜ 0:26:56 ¦L1
25ˆΚ The Sword's Fragment 0:26:17
26ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ 0:26:01
27ˆΚ investigation play 0:21:05
28ˆΚ Crystal of Elements 0:20:44
29ˆΚ A Cheery Angel's 0:20:17
30ˆΚ Shift@The@Future 0:16:43 ¦V5
31ˆΚ “Z‘g 0:16:20 ¦B5
32ˆΚ Wind of Wish`Šσ–]‚Μ•— 0:14:43
33ˆΚ ƒJƒiƒgƒEƒX‚Ι‚Θ‚ι•ϋ–@ 0:14:39
34ˆΚ ‘ε]ŒΛ“‘―’c 0:14:17
θΊ 0:14:17
36ˆΚ inspiration 0:12:50
37ˆΚ ˜Lien Ange˜ 0:12:33
38ˆΚ Light A‚Žd Shadow 0:11:26
39ˆΚ `everywhere` 0:10:12
40ˆΚ Solaris 0:10:02 ¦B4
41ˆΚ –Ύ“ϊΣ—Η²ΊΔΆή±ΨΟ½Φ³Ζ 0:09:58
•——Ρ‰ΞŽR 0:09:58
43ˆΚ ŠAngel@Slap‰ 0:09:49
44ˆΚ ™―~‚θ‚Μ‹u™ 0:09:03
45ˆΚ α‰Μχ•‘ 0:08:52
46ˆΚ ]Manatee Lyric] 0:08:34
47ˆΚ Never 0:07:58 ¦V2
48ˆΚ ‚’‚Β‚©’H‚θ’…‚’‚Δ 0:06:33
49ˆΚ spirit@of@fire 0:05:58
50ˆΚ Œή‘γ–Ϊ•…—μ–ι˜A‡ 0:05:51
51ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ™ 0:05:37
52ˆΚ Γ–ι•—α 0:04:57
53ˆΚ The Right Stuff 0:04:54
54ˆΚ wiLd cArd 0:04:49 ¦C3
55ˆΚ - •—‚ΜŽ - 0:04:46
56ˆΚ ‡“Rondo@of@Seraphs‡“ 0:04:17
RiLiHjMjΙ 0:04:17
58ˆΚ ΰ‚Μ‚Θ‚ι‹³‰ο 0:04:07
59ˆΚ y-_•—-z 0:03:46
60ˆΚ ƒ|ƒŠƒ“‰·ς‘g‡ 0:03:41
61ˆΚ Too Much Pain 0:03:37
62ˆΚ Legend of Nibelungen 0:03:32
63ˆΚ I‚ν‚θ‚Θ‚«—·˜H 0:03:29
64ˆΚ ƒeƒBƒ„‰€’鍑 0:03:28
65ˆΚ ‚Ϊ‚Μ‚Ϊ‚Μ 0:03:25
66ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠƒΠ 0:03:14
‚r‚j‚x‚k‚h‚m‚d 0:03:14
68ˆΚ ‚€‚Θ‚¬’c 0:03:06
69ˆΚ RedRibbon 0:02:49
70ˆΚ ŒŽ‰ΨgΉ‹RŽm’c 0:02:48
71ˆΚ ‚o‚’‚‰‚‚‚’‚™ 0:02:45
72ˆΚ (KžKjUPEACE—·’c 0:02:44
73ˆΚ windy bery‚ΜΏΫ·ήΩΔށB 0:02:43
74ˆΚ _”ι“I—§‘Μ 0:02:42
75ˆΚ Entschluss 0:02:32
76ˆΚ Indicator to the Next 0:02:31
77ˆΚ ‚Ώ‚¨‚Ρ‚½ƒT[ƒJƒX’c 0:02:30
78ˆΚ @‘M@ 0:02:29 ¦L5
79ˆΚ ‰F’ˆ‘DƒŒƒbƒh₯ƒhƒ[ƒt† 0:02:28
80ˆΚ ‰©¨‚Μ‰€‘ 0:02:21
81ˆΚ Glint of Moon 0:02:17
82ˆΚ ™with PEACH™ 0:02:13
83ˆΚ Sturm und Drang 0:02:05
84ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚ ‚η‚ΰ[‚Η 0:02:04
85ˆΚ ƒ΅“ψF‚¨‚Ξ‚―—·’cƒ΅ 0:02:02
86ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚΅‚₯‚’‚­ 0:01:54
87ˆΚ ‚Π‚Ύ‚ά‚θ‚Μ–― 0:01:52
88ˆΚ –²‚Μ’†‚ōL‚ͺ‚鐒ŠE 0:01:51
89ˆΚ “Vκn—…“e 0:01:48
90ˆΚ ‚έ‚η‚­‚ι‚Ο‚ν` 0:01:40
91ˆΚ —‚̐K’Η‚Α‚©‚―‘ΰ 0:01:34
92ˆΚ HERMES 0:01:33
93ˆΚ The Winged Horse 0:01:25


‡ˆΚ ƒMƒ‹ƒh–Ό ŽžŠΤ Šl“ΎΤ
1ˆΚ ‘“‚«ŒΆ‘œ 2:00:00 ¦B2
S W A T 2:00:00 ¦C5
Little Family 2:00:00 ¦L4
ETERNAL-WINGS 2:00:00 ¦B3
6ˆΚ υHALLOWEENυ 1:55:35 ¦C1
7ˆΚ whiLe[ϊ@] 1:55:11
8ˆΚ Valhalla 1:50:54
9ˆΚ —d‰ƒGƒƒŠƒXƒgW’c™œc 1:32:45 ¦B1
10ˆΚ Pandaemoniumτ 1:31:23 ¦V1
11ˆΚ “ϊ–{”Ό—‡‹Ά‰ο 1:26:15
12ˆΚ Ring Hunters 0:58:39 ¦C2
13ˆΚ SlantingυCross 0:55:10
14ˆΚ ϊVLemon_a_L'a-modeϊV 0:35:55
15ˆΚ ‚Υ‚Α‚Δ‚‘‚ρ‚Ϋ‚θ‚ρ 0:33:45 ¦V3
16ˆΚ Larmes d'ange 0:31:50 ¦C4
17ˆΚ ƒGƒCƒ“ƒwƒŠƒAƒ‹‡U 0:29:09 ¦L3
18ˆΚ ˜_Slave Nocturne_˜ 0:26:56 ¦L1
19ˆΚ ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ 0:26:01
20ˆΚ ƒJƒGƒ‹‚Μ‰€—l 0:25:40 ¦V4
21ˆΚ Wind of Wish`Šσ–]‚Μ•— 0:14:43
22ˆΚ ‘ε]ŒΛ“‘―’c 0:14:17
23ˆΚ Star-of-Heart 0:13:10
24ˆΚ tϊƒ 0:11:31
25ˆΚ investigation play 0:10:32
26ˆΚ Solaris 0:10:02 ¦B4
27ˆΚ –Ύ“ϊΣ—Η²ΊΔΆή±ΨΟ½Φ³Ζ 0:09:58
28ˆΚ ŠAngel@Slap‰ 0:09:49
29ˆΚ Never 0:07:58 ¦V2
30ˆΚ Žί ‰ή —Ν 0:07:28
31ˆΚ ƒJƒiƒgƒEƒX‚Ι‚Θ‚ι•ϋ–@ 0:07:19
32ˆΚ Cross-Fantasy 0:07:09
33ˆΚ The Sword's Fragment 0:06:34
34ˆΚ spirit@of@fire 0:05:58
35ˆΚ Œή‘γ–Ϊ•…—μ–ι˜A‡ 0:05:51
36ˆΚ Shooting Stars 0:05:40
37ˆΚ `everywhere` 0:05:06
38ˆΚ Γ–ι•—α 0:04:57
39ˆΚ wiLd cArd 0:04:49 ¦C3
40ˆΚ - •—‚ΜŽ - 0:04:46
41ˆΚ θΊ 0:04:45
42ˆΚ RiLiHjMjΙ 0:04:17
43ˆΚ Crystal of Elements 0:04:08
44ˆΚ ΰ‚Μ‚Θ‚ι‹³‰ο 0:04:07
45ˆΚ “Z‘g 0:04:05 ¦B5
46ˆΚ A Cheery Angel's 0:04:03
47ˆΚ y-_•—-z 0:03:46
48ˆΚ ƒ|ƒŠƒ“‰·ς‘g‡ 0:03:41
49ˆΚ Too Much Pain 0:03:37
50ˆΚ I‚ν‚θ‚Θ‚«—·˜H 0:03:29
51ˆΚ ƒeƒBƒ„‰€’鍑 0:03:28
52ˆΚ ‚Ϊ‚Μ‚Ϊ‚Μ 0:03:25
53ˆΚ Shift@The@Future 0:03:20 ¦V5
54ˆΚ ‚’‚Β‚©’H‚θ’…‚’‚Δ 0:03:16
55ˆΚ ‚r‚j‚x‚k‚h‚m‚d 0:03:14
ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠƒΠ 0:03:14
57ˆΚ inspiration 0:03:12
58ˆΚ ˜Lien Ange˜ 0:03:08
59ˆΚ ‚€‚Θ‚¬’c 0:03:06
60ˆΚ α‰Μχ•‘ 0:02:57
61ˆΚ ]Manatee Lyric] 0:02:51
62ˆΚ RedRibbon 0:02:49
63ˆΚ ŒŽ‰ΨgΉ‹RŽm’c 0:02:48
ˆΐ‚炬‚ΜκŠ™ 0:02:48
65ˆΚ ‚o‚’‚‰‚‚‚’‚™ 0:02:45
66ˆΚ (KžKjUPEACE—·’c 0:02:44
67ˆΚ windy bery‚ΜΏΫ·ήΩΔށB 0:02:43
68ˆΚ _”ι“I—§‘Μ 0:02:42
69ˆΚ Entschluss 0:02:32
70ˆΚ Indicator to the Next 0:02:31
71ˆΚ ‚Ώ‚¨‚Ρ‚½ƒT[ƒJƒX’c 0:02:30
72ˆΚ •——Ρ‰ΞŽR 0:02:29
@‘M@ 0:02:29 ¦L5
74ˆΚ ‰F’ˆ‘DƒŒƒbƒh₯ƒhƒ[ƒt† 0:02:28
75ˆΚ The Right Stuff 0:02:27
76ˆΚ ‰©¨‚Μ‰€‘ 0:02:21
77ˆΚ Light A‚Žd Shadow 0:02:17
Glint of Moon 0:02:17
79ˆΚ ™―~‚θ‚Μ‹u™ 0:02:15
80ˆΚ ™with PEACH™ 0:02:13
81ˆΚ ‡“Rondo@of@Seraphs‡“ 0:02:08
82ˆΚ Sturm und Drang 0:02:05
83ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚ ‚η‚ΰ[‚Η 0:02:04
84ˆΚ ƒ΅“ψF‚¨‚Ξ‚―—·’cƒ΅ 0:02:02
85ˆΚ ‚Υ‚θ‚ρ‚΅‚₯‚’‚­ 0:01:54
86ˆΚ ‚Π‚Ύ‚ά‚θ‚Μ–― 0:01:52
87ˆΚ –²‚Μ’†‚ōL‚ͺ‚鐒ŠE 0:01:51
88ˆΚ “Vκn—…“e 0:01:48
89ˆΚ Legend of Nibelungen 0:01:46
90ˆΚ ‚έ‚η‚­‚ι‚Ο‚ν` 0:01:40
91ˆΚ —‚̐K’Η‚Α‚©‚―‘ΰ 0:01:34
92ˆΚ HERMES 0:01:33
93ˆΚ The Winged Horse 0:01:25
