
Lydia (2008/11/09)



’nˆæ 1 2 3 4 5
Valkyrie Realms
Speed Way
õ Fairies' Moon õ
Chung-Rim Guild
ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
Britoniah Guild
Twilight Cats
Super Ingrid
Luina Guild
Arith Bahana
Trick or Treat!




V2, V4, V5, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, B1, B4, B5, L1, L3



Valkyrie Realms 1
Valkyrie Realms 2
Valkyrie Realms 3
Valkyrie Realms 4
Valkyrie Realms 5
20:00:00 Pumpkin Head
20:01:39 •—‚̹­
20:05:46 Cafe Mint
20:06:56 Director's Cut
20:10:03 •—‚̹­
20:25:31 •—‚̹­
20:28:44 The deep pool of death
20:31:22 Cake Shop
20:32:51 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
20:34:59 The Crest of Platinum
20:36:23 Twilight Cats
20:45:42 ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
20:54:15 CHRONICLE
20:57:47 Speed Way
21:01:31 ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
21:03:55 CHRONICLE
21:13:00 Festina Lente
21:20:50 Save the WorLD
21:22:12 NovaEra
21:27:39 Broken World
21:31:37 The Crest of Platinum
21:35:34 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
21:48:42 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
21:50:14 Speed Way
20:00:00 Arith Bahana
20:01:39 Carte Blanche
20:04:59 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
20:09:51 Carte Blanche
20:13:48 Cake Shop
20:14:55 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:16:04 Pallet
20:16:59 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
20:19:42 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:21:46 The deep pool of death
20:23:31 ‚r‚‚•‚Œ@Cat's
20:41:56 NovaEra
20:43:09 ‚r‚‚•‚Œ@Cat's
20:52:57 g˜@‚̉‹
20:56:07 •—‚̹­
20:59:17 èQ
21:00:35 Brilliant World
21:13:39 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
21:16:33 Sunny Side Down!
21:18:21 `–³ŒÀ`
21:19:59 Broken World
21:24:39 Cake Shop
21:25:36 Broken World
21:30:46 Director's Cut
21:31:51 Broken World
21:32:56 Pallet
21:33:57 Broken World
21:34:49 Carte Blanche
21:35:48 Broken World
21:37:13 Twilight Cats
21:38:06 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:39:20 Broken World
21:40:23 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:41:22 Broken World
21:42:44 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:43:33 Sunny Side Down!
21:44:41 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:45:43 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:46:53 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:48:05 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:49:20 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:52:47 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
21:58:21 Revolver
21:59:10 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:00:00 Save the WorLD
20:00:55 NovaEra
20:26:16 leitmotiv
20:50:28 NovaEra
20:52:39 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
20:54:25 Pallet
20:59:53 ¦‚Ü‚¼‚Á–º‚̉ƒ¦
21:04:15 Broken World
21:06:02 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
21:09:22 Twilight Cats
21:24:33 Carte Blanche
21:25:36 NovaEra
21:32:44 Carte Blanche
21:35:28 The Crest of Platinum
21:58:04 leitmotiv
20:00:00 Traumerei
20:01:11 Broken World
20:03:24 ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
20:04:22 Broken World
20:06:18 Carte Blanche
20:11:02 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
20:17:55 Carte Blanche
20:19:15 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:21:54 ™sugar kiss™
20:27:45 Carte Blanche
20:29:21 Broken World
20:31:06 Carte Blanche
20:32:04 The Crest of Platinum
20:36:25 Carte Blanche
20:37:40 The Crest of Platinum
20:39:02 Carte Blanche
20:42:33 The Crest of Platinum
20:43:41 Carte Blanche
20:45:23 The Crest of Platinum
20:46:35 Carte Blanche
20:49:21 Broken World
20:50:48 Carte Blanche
20:53:46 Broken World
20:55:14 Carte Blanche
20:56:09 The Crest of Platinum
20:58:18 Carte Blanche
20:59:51 Broken World
21:00:58 Carte Blanche
21:07:21 •—‚̹­
21:29:58 The deep pool of death
21:31:04 NovaEra
21:44:49 Brave's Heart
21:46:45 `–³ŒÀ`
21:59:08 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:00:00 Director's Cut
20:01:29 Broken World
20:03:40 Carte Blanche
20:05:06 Before the Dawn
20:06:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:08:15 Before the Dawn
20:10:07 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
20:11:20 ‰´‚ð’N‚¾‚ÆŽv‚Á‚Ä‚éI
20:13:02 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
20:14:47 Before the Dawn
20:16:28 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:18:20 Before the Dawn
20:19:46 Broken World
20:21:12 Before the Dawn
20:22:44 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
20:24:09 Before the Dawn
20:25:27 Broken World
20:26:48 Before the Dawn
20:27:58 Broken World
20:29:15 Before the Dawn
20:30:21 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:32:00 Before the Dawn
20:32:53 Carte Blanche
20:34:48 Before the Dawn
20:35:40 Carte Blanche
20:37:16 Before the Dawn
20:38:33 Broken World
20:40:12 Before the Dawn
20:41:38 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
20:43:03 Broken World
20:44:28 Over Drive
20:46:41 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
20:49:08 atmosphere
20:51:13 Before the Dawn
20:53:42 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
20:55:32 Broken World
20:58:27 Before the Dawn
20:59:47 `–²Œ©‚ÌŠXŠp`
21:01:15 Before the Dawn
21:02:30 Pallet
21:04:05 Before the Dawn
21:06:06 atmosphere
21:08:14 Before the Dawn
21:10:27 atmosphere
21:11:38 Carte Blanche
21:13:31 Before the Dawn
21:14:51 Broken World
21:15:44 Carte Blanche
21:17:28 atmosphere
21:18:43 Carte Blanche
21:20:46 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:22:45 Before the Dawn
21:28:03 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:30:10 Before the Dawn
21:31:59 Sunny Side Down!
21:33:41 Before the Dawn
21:36:55 atmosphere
21:38:51 Before the Dawn
21:40:05 Broken World
21:41:33 The Crest of Platinum
21:42:46 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:44:24 atmosphere
21:45:33 Carte Blanche
21:46:54 The Crest of Platinum
21:48:54 Before the Dawn
21:49:49 Carte Blanche
21:52:10 Before the Dawn
21:52:59 Carte Blanche
21:58:37 õ Fairies' Moon õ


Chung-Rim Guild 1
Chung-Rim Guild 2
Chung-Rim Guild 3
Chung-Rim Guild 4
Chung-Rim Guild 5
20:00:00 Uranus
20:01:21 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:06:04 èQ
20:08:09 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:11:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:12:56 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:13:53 Speedy Wind
20:21:56 g˜@‚̉‹
20:24:47 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:27:16 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:28:23 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:29:59 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:31:00 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:32:00 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:33:03 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:34:12 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:35:20 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:36:54 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:38:00 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:39:25 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:40:29 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:41:50 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:42:49 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:43:58 Pallet
20:45:09 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:46:10 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:47:29 The Crest of Platinum
20:48:44 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:49:43 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:50:46 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:52:43 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:53:58 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:55:28 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:56:38 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:58:06 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:59:23 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:01:05 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:02:14 Full Potential
21:04:30 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:05:46 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:07:15 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:08:23 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:09:27 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:11:22 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:12:46 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:13:57 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:15:10 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:16:11 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:17:42 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:18:56 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:20:19 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:21:31 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:22:55 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:23:52 Sunny Side Down!
21:25:03 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:26:16 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:27:33 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:28:42 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:29:47 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:30:36 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
21:32:07 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
21:33:29 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:34:25 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
21:57:25 ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
20:00:00 Sadalmelek
20:01:21 Art of life
20:03:04 Pallet
20:04:22 Art of life
20:05:54 Œ©‚¹ƒ‚ƒ“‚¶‚á‚Ë‚¥‚¼!!
20:07:09 Art of life
20:08:15 èQ
20:09:39 Art of life
20:10:58 Œ©‚¹ƒ‚ƒ“‚¶‚á‚Ë‚¥‚¼!!
20:12:10 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
20:14:37 Œ©‚¹ƒ‚ƒ“‚¶‚á‚Ë‚¥‚¼!!
20:16:18 RayForce
20:21:42 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
20:24:27 Revolver
20:30:36 Art of life
20:32:02 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
20:34:00 Œ©‚¹ƒ‚ƒ“‚¶‚á‚Ë‚¥‚¼!!
20:35:24 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:36:45 `–²Œ©‚ÌŠXŠp`
20:38:00 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
20:41:46 ™sugar kiss™
20:45:07 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
20:46:59 Œ©‚¹ƒ‚ƒ“‚¶‚á‚Ë‚¥‚¼!!
20:49:04 Twilight Cats
21:00:18 Cake Shop
21:06:40 The deep pool of death
21:10:16 g˜@‚̉‹
21:16:31 The deep pool of death
21:20:44 g˜@‚̉‹
21:27:13 _‘¬“ŠÎ¸‰s•”‘à
21:30:16 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
21:32:18 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:37:58 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
21:39:24 Full Potential
20:00:00 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:02:26 Revolver
20:05:27 g˜@‚̉‹
20:07:33 Brave's Heart
20:11:29 Twilight Cats
20:14:55 èQ
20:16:12 g˜@‚̉‹
20:18:22 Twilight Cats
20:23:10 Speedy Wind
20:25:21 Cake Shop
20:54:44 NovaEra
20:59:13 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:00:45 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:03:51 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:06:52 ƒeƒŒƒré‹Ê
21:08:08 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:10:38 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:12:03 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:13:12 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:14:29 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:15:20 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:16:37 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
21:17:30 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:18:56 Sunny Side Down!
21:19:51 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:21:25 ƒÕGRAND@SLAMƒÕ
21:22:26 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:32:38 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
21:58:12 Sadalmelek
20:00:00 ‚ЂÜe‰q‘àš
20:01:08 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:02:38 Ome the Let
20:03:38 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:05:02 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:06:08 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:07:04 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:08:17 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:09:15 Ome the Let
20:10:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:11:47 Ome the Let
20:13:36 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:14:37 Ome the Let
20:15:42 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:16:44 Carte Blanche
20:19:40 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:20:33 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:21:34 èQ
20:22:22 Ome the Let
20:23:47 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:24:45 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:26:06 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:27:04 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:28:25 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:30:01 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:31:28 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:32:35 Carte Blanche
20:34:14 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:35:36 Ome the Let
20:39:35 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:40:35 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:41:23 Ome the Let
20:42:29 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:43:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:44:54 Ome the Let
20:46:53 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:47:54 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:49:33 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:50:46 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:54:04 Ome the Let
20:55:08 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:56:32 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:57:32 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:59:27 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:00:22 Ome the Let
21:01:49 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:02:48 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:04:09 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:05:16 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:07:01 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:07:54 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:10:14 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:11:10 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:12:36 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:13:37 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:14:37 Brave's Heart
21:25:36 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:26:46 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:28:16 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:29:28 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:30:36 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:31:37 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:32:46 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:33:41 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:34:44 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:35:44 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:36:41 Sunny Side Down!
21:37:38 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:58:26 •—‚̹­
20:00:00 Festina Lente
20:01:01 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:02:36 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:03:26 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:04:46 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:05:42 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:06:40 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:07:41 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:08:52 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:09:57 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:11:12 Žµ‰p—Y
20:12:00 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:15:34 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:16:32 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:17:31 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:18:30 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:19:30 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:20:39 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:21:38 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:22:42 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:23:30 èQ
20:24:39 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:25:37 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:26:44 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:31:18 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:32:24 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:35:05 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:36:13 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:37:03 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:39:02 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:50:05 Brave's Heart
20:51:34 ‚»‚ê‚䂯I
20:52:29 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
20:58:52 Carte Blanche
21:02:10 Over Drive
21:04:07 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
21:09:49 Over Drive
21:11:43 RayForce
21:13:27 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
21:22:55 Over Drive
21:24:23 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
21:27:03 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
21:31:23 Over Drive
21:33:25 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
21:36:12 Over Drive
21:39:50 Harvest
21:41:08 Trojan Horse
21:42:46 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ
21:45:39 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:50:04 The Crest of Platinum
21:51:11 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
21:52:45 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:54:05 Director's Cut
21:55:37 The Crest of Platinum
21:56:33 Over Drive
21:57:51 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:59:04 Director's Cut
22:00:00 ƒÕ Fellow í Soldier ƒÕ


Britoniah Guild 1
Britoniah Guild 2
Britoniah Guild 3
Britoniah Guild 4
Britoniah Guild 5
20:00:00 Cafe Mint
20:02:55 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
20:06:22 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:08:00 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:09:32 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:11:11 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:13:04 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
20:14:17 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:15:55 Brave's Heart
20:29:50 g˜@‚̉‹
20:47:20 NovaEra
20:49:48 The Crest of Platinum
20:51:04 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
20:51:55 The Crest of Platinum
20:55:33 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:56:26 The Crest of Platinum
20:57:22 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:58:18 The Crest of Platinum
20:59:02 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:59:57 The Crest of Platinum
21:00:35 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:01:39 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:02:29 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:03:15 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:04:07 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:05:00 The Crest of Platinum
21:05:51 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:07:22 èQ
21:08:09 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
21:10:02 Wild glass
21:20:28 RayForce
21:24:16 Wild glass
21:28:02 g˜@‚̉‹
21:58:57 Twilight Cats
20:00:00 Super Ingrid
20:34:49 NovaEra
20:41:51 –¨
21:09:28 ‚ЂÜe‰q‘àš
21:14:18 NovaEra
21:17:31 Speed Way
21:25:36 –¨
21:55:21 ‚ЂÜe‰q‘àš
20:00:00 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:01:27 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:05:48 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
20:07:34 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:10:16 Cake Shop
20:11:41 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:13:39 CHRONICLE
20:15:09 The deep pool of death
20:16:36 Feel the Wind
20:17:55 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:19:52 CHRONICLE
20:32:43 •—‚̹­
20:43:02 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:52:17 NovaEra
20:54:25 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:55:59 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:57:18 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:59:17 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
21:00:31 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:02:31 •—‚̹­
21:04:36 Trojan Horse
21:18:16 NovaEra
21:20:17 Ome the Let
21:27:28 Carte Blanche
21:29:11 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:57:36 Stardust
20:00:00 Carte Blanche
20:01:48 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:02:39 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:03:42 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:04:46 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:07:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:08:48 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:10:24 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:11:19 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:13:37 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:14:37 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:16:46 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:17:37 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:19:07 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:20:12 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:21:47 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:22:32 Carte Blanche
20:23:48 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:26:03 Carte Blanche
20:27:06 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:28:58 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:30:02 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:32:02 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:33:05 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:34:30 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:36:03 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:37:44 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:39:01 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:40:53 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:42:08 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:43:40 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:44:55 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:46:32 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:47:40 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:50:08 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
20:59:21 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
21:04:42 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:09:33 èQ
21:10:49 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:11:44 èQ
21:12:54 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:13:51 èQ
21:15:00 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:22:10 Carte Blanche
21:23:18 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:24:52 Carte Blanche
21:26:04 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:34:58 •—‚̹­
21:39:00 Brave's Heart
21:40:24 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:44:16 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:45:15 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
21:46:10 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:47:20 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
21:54:16 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
21:58:29 Super Ingrid
20:00:00 The deep pool of death
20:01:16 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:07:11 The Crest of Platinum
20:09:06 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:10:06 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:11:23 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:12:26 The Crest of Platinum
20:13:37 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:14:38 The Crest of Platinum
20:15:54 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:16:50 The Crest of Platinum
20:18:02 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:18:58 The Crest of Platinum
20:19:45 Ome the Let
20:20:48 The Crest of Platinum
20:21:57 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:22:59 The Crest of Platinum
20:24:06 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:25:04 The Crest of Platinum
20:26:17 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:27:06 Ome the Let
20:28:22 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:29:25 Ome the Let
20:30:42 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:32:08 Feel the Wind
20:33:31 The Crest of Platinum
20:34:37 ƒ{ƒ‹ƒWƒA‚Ì“Å
20:35:33 ŒëŽš‹Ê-SAM•ú’u‚Ì•ûŒü‚Å-
20:36:43 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:37:42 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:38:20 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:40:18 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:41:05 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:42:03 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:43:00 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:43:44 ’‚«‚ã‚Ò`‚ñ’
20:44:57 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:45:41 The Crest of Platinum
20:47:06 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:47:49 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:49:07 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:49:52 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:51:18 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:51:57 ‹àFƒiƒŠ‰äƒK•PƒmŒŽ
20:53:37 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:54:21 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:55:33 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:56:21 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
20:58:05 õ Fairies' Moon õ
20:58:56 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
21:00:05 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:01:22 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
21:02:22 Ome the Let
21:06:25 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
21:08:35 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:09:26 Ome the Let
21:10:41 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:11:28 Ome the Let
21:16:44 ‚©‚é‚Ä‚Á‚ÆI
21:18:33 The Crest of Platinum
21:19:23 Ome the Let
21:20:34 The Crest of Platinum
21:21:10 õ Fairies' Moon õ
21:26:48 Ome the Let
21:28:18 Full Potential
21:31:51 Ome the Let
21:38:22 Circus Reverie
21:41:06 RayForce
21:51:48 NovaEra


Luina Guild 1
Luina Guild 2
Luina Guild 3
Luina Guild 4
Luina Guild 5
20:00:00 CHRONICLE
20:01:36 Speedy Wind
20:12:46 Art of life
20:14:55 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:16:24 Art of life
20:17:39 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:19:07 Art of life
20:20:32 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:21:49 Art of life
20:23:21 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:24:52 Pallet
20:26:38 Twilight Cats
20:39:09 Art of life
20:40:59 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:42:18 Art of life
20:43:42 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:44:45 Carte Blanche
20:47:08 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:48:08 Carte Blanche
20:49:40 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:51:18 Carte Blanche
20:52:43 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:54:31 Carte Blanche
20:55:52 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
20:58:48 Pallet
21:00:15 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:06:19 Art of life
21:08:03 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:09:26 Art of life
21:10:55 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:12:27 Art of life
21:13:59 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:15:28 Art of life
21:16:56 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:18:15 Art of life
21:19:47 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:21:08 Cake Shop
21:22:32 Art of life
21:24:56 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:26:34 Art of life
21:27:55 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:29:28 Art of life
21:30:46 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:32:17 Art of life
21:33:47 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:35:06 Art of life
21:36:23 Carte Blanche
21:38:00 Art of life
21:39:25 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:40:54 Carte Blanche
21:42:08 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:43:29 Carte Blanche
21:44:48 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:46:01 Carte Blanche
21:47:35 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:58:43 NovaEra
20:00:00 ‚Ê‚±i@OƒÖOj‚¨‚Á
20:03:44 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
20:05:51 NovaEra
20:07:30 Carte Blanche
20:12:26 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
20:14:11 Carte Blanche
20:17:23 The deep pool of death
20:20:38 Pallet
20:29:23 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
20:36:15 Revolver
20:45:29 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
20:51:46 ‘fŽèÕ‚èŽÀsˆÏˆõ‰ï™
21:03:51 •—‚̹­
21:11:06 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
21:13:06 –¼‘O‚Ì‚È‚¢‰Æ
21:27:04 NovaEra
21:57:04 *Assist*
20:00:00 NovaEra
20:01:26 Twilight Cats
20:04:09 NovaEra
20:08:08 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
20:41:31 Brave's Heart
20:43:14 ‚½‚¾‚̤ly“ÁŽê•”‘àz
20:46:48 •—‚̹­
20:49:52 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
20:52:35 The Crest of Platinum
20:55:23 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
20:56:48 Carte Blanche
20:58:13 The Crest of Platinum
20:59:19 Carte Blanche
21:01:11 atmosphere
21:02:47 The Crest of Platinum
21:04:11 –H—‰g’ƒŠÙ
21:05:19 Carte Blanche
21:06:47 Pallet
21:07:52 Carte Blanche
21:09:33 The Crest of Platinum
21:10:47 Carte Blanche
21:12:17 The Crest of Platinum
21:13:24 Carte Blanche
21:15:06 The Crest of Platinum
21:16:19 Carte Blanche
21:17:59 The Crest of Platinum
21:19:07 Carte Blanche
21:20:36 The Crest of Platinum
21:21:40 Carte Blanche
21:23:10 The Crest of Platinum
21:24:22 Carte Blanche
21:26:06 The Crest of Platinum
21:27:10 Carte Blanche
21:28:39 The Crest of Platinum
21:29:40 Carte Blanche
21:32:33 NovaEra
21:36:33 Nova Era
21:58:30 Arith Bahana
20:00:00 •—‚̹­
20:02:33 NovaEra
20:06:43 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:17:13 Sadalmelek
20:43:39 NovaEra
20:46:32 •—‚̹­
20:54:01 Ž©Ì“Á•Ê‘{¸‘à
20:59:13 ÷‰Ø—VŒ‚‘à
21:07:52 Sadalmelek
21:23:59 NovaEra
21:31:55 Carte Blanche
21:58:45 CHRONICLE
20:00:00 ‚ЂÜe‰q‘àš
20:01:00 Carte Blanche
20:02:23 ƒoƒtƒH—lˆçŽ™‘Š’kŽº
20:06:06 Festina Lente
20:33:44 Cafe Mint
20:48:49 Sadalmelek
20:58:25 leitmotiv
21:00:07 NovaEra
21:08:43 Cafe Mint
21:20:46 ‚Ȃ‚©‚È‚¢”L
21:25:06 Pallet
21:27:55 Carte Blanche
21:58:32 Trick or Treat!




